Daybreak in Lyme Regis
My work philosophy is all to do with the client. When I create something it has to be about you. For a landscape painting it will be a place you love, at the other end of the artistic scale, for corporate identity graphics it will be about your future. It is still all about art and it still all revolves around YOU the client. You are the integral part of the design process. I am NOT Mr. "Here's-your-image-give-me-the-money-take-it-or-leave-it". Your opinions and requirements are paramount so if it takes a while to get it done to your satisfaction so much the better it will be for the resulting artwork. My job is to facilitate your wants and guide your needs in a manner that is both effective and practical - and that usually means simple and concise. Most of all I believe that art & design should be simple, although you might be amazed at the amount of work that goes into 'simple'. Einstein is quoted as saying "Art is the expression of the profoundest thoughts in the simplest way." I'd like to think he really said that because, in my opinion, art & design is about communication and so the simpler it is, the more quickly the message is conveyed. If ever, as a client of mine, you feel I'm starting to sound somewhat parrot-like, repeating the word "Simplify," just give me a biscuit and tell me you've got it.